T32 Trainees Over the Years

Training grants support the college's program of preparing T32 trainees who are dedicated to becoming the next generation of academicians and clinician scientists.

The grants provide training and financial support to individuals while also directly benefitting the college’s graduate and clinician-scientist faculty by expanding mentoring and training opportunities. John Sheridan, PhD, professor and training grant director in the Division of Biosciences, secured the College of Dentistry’s first T32 training grant from the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) of the National Institutes of Health in 2001.

The list below provides information about recent graduates:


Faculty Mentor

Start Date


Degree(s) Earned

Initial Position

Current Position

Mackos, Amy

Michael Bailey, PhD


Infectious Colitis is Exacerbated by Prolonged Stressor Exposure: Implications for Probiotic Intervention.


Graduate Research Assistant, The Ohio State University

Assistant Clinical Professor / Faculty Lab Director, The Ohio State University College of Nursing

Nam, Jin

Sudha Agarwal, PhD


Effects of Biomechanical Signals on Skeletal Tissues/Cells in Health or in Disease


Postdoctoral Fellow, The Ohio State University

Professor of Bioengineering, University of California, Riverside

Galley, Jeffrey

Michael Bailey, PhD


Interplay between stress, the microbiome, and gastrointestinal disease.


Graduate Research Fellow, The Ohio State University

Research Scientist, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

McKim, Daniel

John Sheridan, PhD

Jonathan Godbout, PhD


Role of Microglia CCL2, Brain Macrophage IL-1b, and Endothelial IL-1R1 in Prolonged Anxiety-like behavior and Brain Cytokine Production Following Social Defeat Stress


Postdoctoral Researcher Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, The Ohio State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Cosby, Lauren

Christopher Weghorst, PhD


Preclinical Delivery of Lutein to Oral Epithelial Cells Employing Lipid and Plymer Nanoparticles

MS and PhD

Research Engineer, U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Center

Research Engineer, U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Center

Sawicki, Caroline

John Sheridan, PhD


Spinal Cord Inflammation Underlines Stress-induced Pan Sensitization

DDS and PhD

Research Associate, New York University

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, New York University

Allen, Jacob M.

Michael Bailey, PhD


Microbial, Immunological, and Enteric Neurological Interactions During Taxane-Induced Mucositis


Postdoctoral Scientist/Research Instructor, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Assistant Professor, PhD Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (primarily research)

Woody, William A.

Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD


Psychological and Inflammatory Predictors of Self-reported Periodontal Disease Symtoms in a Sample of cancer Survivors and Controls


Senior Damage Prevention Data Analyst, Columbia Gas of Ohio (research)

Senior Damage Prevention Data Analyst, Columbia Gas of Ohio (research)

Loman, Brett R

Michael Bailey, PhD


Microbial, Immunological and Enteric Neurological Interactions During Taxane-Induced Mucositis


Postdoctoral Researcher/Research Instructor, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Postdoctoral Researcher/ Research Instructor, Nationwide Children’s Hospital; NIH/NIAn’s Hospital

Antonson, Adrienne

Michael Bailey, PhD

Tamar Gur, PhD


Maternal Stress and the Microbiome: Consequences of Prenatal Microbial Alterations on Offspring Development


Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Ohio State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Illinois

Butler, Michael

Ruth Barrientos, PhD


Effects of Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid on High-fat, Diet-induced Neuroinflammation and Memory Deficiits


Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Ohio State University

Postdoctoral Researcher, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Strahm, Anna

John Sheridan, PhD


Innovative Research in Perinatal Reproductive Health


Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Ohio State University

Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana